Wedding Dress Styles and Shapes
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If your a bride who needs to get in the know about wedding dress styles like Peplum and Dipped hem then this infographic will tell you all you need to know before you venture out and find the most perfect bridal gown for your special day
I found this whilst looking around the Internet for interesting and informative ‘infographics’ to share with our readers. It was originally published by Hitch in late 2013 and shows the different sorts of wedding dress styles and shapes, that, according to their research were ‘on trend’.
It also has some fascinating facts like that most brides decide on their dress some 11 months before the wedding day (we’ve known it be a lot longer and shorter too) and that 59% of women will check out Pinterest to get some ideas.
One fact that did not surprise us was that 57% of brides buy from a ‘bridal salon’, that after all being the place you really get ‘star professional treatment and advice’, or at least it is the case of Caroline Castigliano boutiques and stockists (we pick the latter very carefully).
Coloured dresses are picked by a few, the vast majority also keeping up with the tradition of ‘something old, new and borrowed’.
Anyway, I’m spoiling the infographic, so view on and Enjoy!