Which Dress Style Suits You Best?
The issue of what wedding dress style to choose is a difficult one for many women. Some are driven by current fashion , others because they want to be different, but all have one thing in common and that is that they want to look GOOD.
Of course what causes all the problems is that not all women have that ‘perfect figure’, at least in their own eyes and are anxious about choosing a dress that well emphasises the areas that they’d rather it didn’t. Now whilst it is true that body shape does influence the choice of wedding dress styles, so too does the place the wedding is taking place and the climate (time of year). All of these have to be taken into account, but it does not end there, as at Caroline Castigiliano, we look beyond these obvious points and delve deeper into what the bride to be wants, her fears and aspirations for the big day.
Often a bride will arrive at our boutique with a per-conceived idea about what they want, which is a great start, but you’d be surprised at how many change their minds when we have spoken about all the alternatives, it’s not that we know best, but that we understand women and the bride to be.
So, we don’t actually start with what dress style suits which body shape, but if you’d like to know a bit more about that angle on choosing a wedding dress, this article might help. Just remember that your shape is not the be all and end all, and that a chat with us could well be worth while…
When it came to planning my wedding, finding the dress was probably my favorite part of the process. I stepped away from work for a full day so my mom and I could hit a local bridal store where I found myself trying on dress after dress. I had never been much of a girlie-girl, yet unexpectedly had a blast wearing different styles and standing up on the bridal stage in the fitting room. I mean, when else do you get to see how something looks on you in full 360-degree view? It was quite the experience.
As I tried on each dress and attempted to find the one that I both looked good and felt good in, one thing became painfully clear: I didn’t know a single thing about wedding dresses! From styles to sizing to altering—it was all a big mystery to me. Sure, I got through the process by asking every married female I knew how it all worked (along with the patient staff at the bridal store) and managed to stay within the same weight from engagement towedding day . But, an easy-to-follow guide would have helped me narrow down my dress choices to a few styles—something that could have saved hours of shopping and negated any anxiety I had about fitting into that darn dress.
Because I didn’t have a “wedding dress guide” and learned instead through serious trial-and-error, I wanted to share some real tricks and tips of wedding-dress shopping to help you find your perfect dress without the headache and stress that can go along with shopping and altering. After all, wedding planning is enough work in its own right, and dress shopping should be the fun part!
Wedding Dress Styles
There are five popular styles of wedding dresses. All are beautiful, but choosing the right one can accentuate your best assets and hide any areas you’re more conscious of, no matter your shape or size.
Click the link if would like to read the full article on wedding dress styles